Employee Management System With AdminLTE

Introduction of Employee Management System Project

Employee Management System is a laravel based application. This is simple yet educational for learning purposes. So, programmers who are new to laravel can use this program as a learning guide.

This application maintains the details of employees in the organization. As a result, the company can achieve a greater efficiency rate from employees. Traditionally, people used registers for maintaining records which was less efficient.

Project Features

  • Add, update, and delete employees
  • CRUD operation on basics like department, division, city, state, and so on.
  • Search employees based on their first name and department

Project Snapshots

Employee Management System Project Dashboard
Dashboard Page

Employee Management System Project Create Employee Section
Create Employee Section

Employee Management System Project Employee List Section
Employee List Section

Project Installation Process

git clone https://github.com/LaravelProjects/Employee-Management-System.git employee-mgmt-system
cd employee-mgmt-system
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
php artisan serve

Alternatively, you can download the project from here as well. You can also take a look at our other Laravel projects available on this website.

Asmit Nepali, a Full Stack Developer, holds a Software Engineering degree from Gandaki College of Engineering and Science. Proficient in PHP Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL, Tailwind, Figma, and Git, he possesses a robust technical skill set.

6 thoughts on “Employee Management System With AdminLTE”

    • I followed the description above on how to power it up and it worked,

      1: create a database in any of the local servers you are using either Xampp or Wamp
      2: make it a default database by just entering the database name and select utf8 as your database set.
      3: change the respective name on your .env file from “homestead” to your DB name and also USERNAME to ‘root’ and clear that of the PASSWORD set as the secret to empty.

      I think this should solve it, hopefully you won’t have any error


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